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180 PS for FTP
  SCC-Faust, Jan 14 2011

Yeah baby!

Will send first if I know you or you seem friendly.
I've traded before on this site, so I got a good rec yo.

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Micro PLO Baby!
  SCC-Faust, Jan 08 2011

I am so inconsistent and undisciplined when it comes to Poker.

The two huge faults I notice of mine are:

1. I don't put enough attention and focus while playing poker.
2. I don't put enough attention and focus while learning poker.

When watching coaching videos I'll be doing something else as well - watching a Starcraft 2 stream or talking to people on MSN. This is true also while actually playing poker. I realize that it isn't that bad when you're just grinding, but when you want to improve your game it is really detrimental. WiltonTilt said in the "Haj School" videos on Deucescracked that if you aren't able to give your full attention to learning and improving your poker game, then you just aren't that serious about poker. And I've wanted to be serious about poker, many many times. But often times I'd say to myself that I can't be until I prove my attitude.

So that leads me to my next point. I need micro PLO players to converse with on a daily basis. I've only ever had ONE person I've actually talked to about PLO, and we weren't really on the same level. Ever since starting poker, I've never had someone to talk to, and I think talking to people would really improve my game, as well as motivate me. So any PLO micro limit players who are interested in making an online friend (and sensual lover), PM me.

I love Omaha.

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Buying SC2 Beta Key
  SCC-Faust, Mar 29 2010

Msg me kthnx. I only have stars.

It is spring break and I have nothing to do.

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